For Snow Sports Schools

Empower instructors, unburden supervisors and engage guests
ProCard is a mobile enabled snow sports school management tool for instructors, supervisors and guests, fully integrated with RTP and other scheduling software. ProCard customizes its view based on a user’s primary role. Instructors can view their schedule, payroll history and effectively manage their client guests and their day. Supervisors view elements for managing instructors. Guests interact with their resort profile and view progress cards and marketing departments can monitor and track guest engagement.
ProCard for instructors gives instructing staff the organizational tools they need to be successful with client guests. Whether teaching classes or private lessons, kids or adults, and no matter what discipline, ProCard empowers instructors and coaches to take control of their day. With ProCard Basic, up-to-date schedule information is instantly available to instructors as is payroll history.
Other features available are shown in the pricing table below. Greyed-out items indicate features not available for that plan.
ProCard for supervisors provides functionality for supervisors, managers, office managers and trainers. With Yard Report, on-snow supervisors can view instructor staffing lists for any meeting location, current inventory sales by product, any instructor’s schedule and a full up-to-the-minute private lesson detail report. No more radio calls to sales for lesson counts. No more paper lists. Smartphone enabled. Tablet perfected.
Other features available are shown in the pricing table below. Greyed-out items indicate features not available for that plan.
ProCard can give guests their snow sports schools history and enable them to revisit their experience at any time. Guests can access instructor created progress/report cards detailing their achieved skill level milestones and view instructor feedback. Progress/report cards are available on our ProCard Custom plan or can be added to other plans upon request.
Other features available are shown in the pricing table below. Greyed-out items indicate features not available for that plan.
ProCard can provide valuable metrics on how resorts’ top spending client guests interact with the resort. Insight can be gained from ProCard Analytics Dashboards on ways to further engage these guests and provide a higher level of guest service.
Other features available are shown in the pricing table below. Greyed-out items indicate features not available for that plan.
Ski and snowboard instruction is all about relationships. ProCard provides our instructors with the tools they need to successfully create and manage guest relationships. The end result is a higher service level and more return visitation.
Wow- ProCard’s new functions are making our team HAPPY! I’m overwhelmed with the positive feedback from our Pros, Coordinators and Managers.
Coordinators are LOVING the ease of approving schedule request changes………one of our coordinators did all of his requests (over 30) on the lift in less than a minute and feels like he can now spend time skiing with his team. Our Pros are getting spoiled with the speed in which their bookings are being processed..
With a season under my belt using ProCard, I’ve got to agree: it’s a great tool for connecting staff with guests, and (big and) for driving staff performance. I loved being able to see how my winter adds up, where I spend my time, how effective I am at rolling privates. 30+ years teaching- I wish I had ProCard sooner.
ProCard Basic
Get started with the basics- Up to 200 users
- Instructor Feature Set
- Instructor schedule lookup
- Instructor payroll history
- Quicklinks to important resort information
- Message board
- Individual performance statistics
- Manage student/guest class lists
- Manage and send digital student/guest progress cards
- Online checkout
- Accept/decline job offer
- Training schedule and sign-up
- Manage schedule change request
- Pro-Booking (rebook private lesson guests)
- Supervisor Feature Set
- Supervisor yard report
- Quicklinks
- Manage checkout
- Review staff progress cards
- Supervisor to instructor feedback
- Manage job offers to staff
- Real-time view job offer accept/decline list
- Training management module
- Manage schedule change request
- Administrator Feature Set
- Add/delete users
- Administrator console
- Usage metrics
- Job offer administration
- Pro-Booking administration
ProCard Classic
The standard- Up to 300 users
- Instructor Feature Set
- Instructor schedule lookup
- Instructor payroll history
- Quicklinks to important resort information
- Message board
- Individual performance statistics
- Manage student/guest class lists
- Manage and send digital student/guest progress cards
- Online checkout
- Accept/decline job offer
- Training schedule and sign-up
- Manage schedule change request
- Pro-Booking (rebook private lesson guests)
- Supervisor Feature Set
- Supervisor yard report
- Quicklinks
- Manage checkout
- Review staff progress cards
- Supervisor to instructor feedback
- Manage job offers to staff
- Real-time view job offer accept/decline list
- Training management module
- Manage schedule change request
- Administrator Feature Set
- Add/delete users
- Administrator console
- Usage metrics
- Job offer administration
- Pro-Booking administration
ProCard Elite
Snow sports school essentials- Up to 400 users
- Instructor Feature Set
- Instructor schedule lookup
- Instructor payroll history
- Quicklinks to important resort information
- Message board
- Individual performance statistics
- Manage student/guest class lists
- Manage and send digital student/guest progress cards
- Online checkout
- Accept/decline job offer
- Training schedule and sign-up
- Manage schedule change request
- Pro-Booking (rebook private lesson guests)
- Supervisor Feature Set
- Supervisor yard report
- Quicklinks
- Manage checkout
- Review staff progress cards
- Supervisor to instructor feedback
- Manage job offers to staff
- Real-time view job offer accept/decline list
- Training management module
- Manage schedule change request
- Administrator Feature Set
- Add/delete users
- Administrator console
- Usage metrics
- Job offer administration
- Pro-Booking administration
ProCard Custom
Full suite of custom features- Unlimited users
- Instructor Feature Set
- Instructor schedule lookup
- Instructor payroll history
- Quicklinks to important resort information
- Message board
- Individual performance statistics
- Manage student/guest class lists
- Manage and send digital student/guest progress cards
- Online checkout
- Accept/decline job offer
- Training schedule and sign-up
- Manage schedule change request
- Pro-Booking (rebook private lesson guests)
- Supervisor Feature Set
- Supervisor yard report
- Quicklinks
- Manage checkout
- Review staff progress cards
- Supervisor to instructor feedback
- Manage job offers to staff
- Real-time view job offer accept/decline list
- Training management module
- Manage schedule change request
- Administrator Feature Set
- Add/delete users
- Administrator console
- Usage metrics
- Job offer administration
- Pro-Booking administration
Schedule an online ProCard Demo
Contact us for more information or to schedule an online Demo